V2->V3 Read the changes below, as there are many changes from V2 When reverting to V2, you may need to run as administrator the first time if you have EOleError's ------------- ***Where to report problems on Sourceforge*** Actual bugs (ie doesn't work) to (Bugs)[https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/bugs/] New features, or things that don't work how you would like to (Feature Requests)[https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/] add capend at LF - change actx enum to inc lines - add cmd params -hidden match chars combobox - match end code - add lines count -message waiting for eol to progress bar - progressbar lines mode ------------- ****** * Capture stops at End of Line char. https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/48/ Ensures that where data is in lines, it won't break across lines. This is more important for auto-restart and post-processing Add EndAfter Lines (add to actx enum) if Bytes, stop at first EOL after byte count reached or if last char was EOL or EndAfter secs, stop if last char was EOL or EndAfter secs wait up to 5 seconds for an EOL if last char was not eol Add CAPLINES, CAPEOL cmdline params * Monitor mode has newline-on-direction-change. Monitor checkbox not interlocked to echo now. https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/49/ * helpful error message when try to /regserver as user * EndAfter Count combobox handles invalid values when editing * SendN does not lockup on remaining port error. dbl click on stop button to escape any other lockup conditions * StatusBar goes red for error messages. Hint time ->3 secs after error, so message remains visible ****** * fix Macro1 to shift+F11 * Fix ECHO=xxx commandline param crash * remove = from end of made ini * TelnetServer Connected light now blue for disconnected but open (same as icon) ****** * Startup INI files Realterm_Always.ini always runs before commandline/default Realterm_Default.ini runs only if commandline is empty * Macros renamed to Realterm_Macro1, Realterm_Macro2; * MSGBOX command can include \r for newline * Move pending-install:=false before analytics try to improve upgrade reporting ****** * Hotkey Macros: Two commandline/ini macros on shift+F10/11 Macros loaded at startup: %APPDATA%\Realterm\Realterm_Default_Macro1.ini * USB Port information when plugging Full information from the registry is displayed when plugging in History of plugged devices * IniDlg Edit Macro1,2 Clear and recover button for edit Params list shows values. dbl-click in params list adds param to edit box help button launches help on the param Copy command line to editor * StatusGroupbox caption add "closed" to show port state * Capture PostProcess with restart+autoname=off renames AFile.xxx to AFile-move.xxx so new capture does not overwrite file being post-processed https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/48/ * Capture Post-Process Added batch file for LF2CRLF Fix for %PROGRAMFILES% in command Add debug mode to see command and keep cmd.exe open commandline copied to LastErrorMessage * Add Edit button to capture. * multiline hints \r Capture filename has fully expanded filename in hint * Set size and position from commandline WINX,Y,W,H ****** * more install tour tweaks: heading list, better button control, multiple tours, Phone tour, news/help not automatic back to default update view from installer separate install_info and update_info * change floating button font to tahoma, shrink ****** * Complete rewrite of the Install Tour. It was crap. * fix reporting ClosePorts ****** * Add Phone AT and Samsung Unlocking commands to MISC tab * Misc tab reorganised. Legacy functions hidden and selected by radio buttons now * Timer disabled until end of form create fix for install tour and analytics * INSTALL param controls tour show new since version (install= show whole tour (install=0) show a message first (install='a message') installer is running full tour this version ****** * Add Ports to LastErrorMessage; Tweak install and usage info ****** * Change install information to see what is being updated ****** * Status lights try to stay visible -Slides to use inactive area of tabs -lights stay at very edge of screen when resized over active area -PanelFloatingButtons buttons stays off tabs (hard coded posns) * Add params WINX,WINY,WINW,WINH to allow RT to be started where you want (WINW/WINH overridden at startup) * Installer always runs "realterm install" now and shows install tour -can have only newer than last installed version features in tour * show Admin/User on lasterror, aboutbox, * Spy correct xp detection, fix crash, verbose error reporting ****** * Gray line at edge of terminal to show where COLS end. * Select named ports eg Com0Com from port dropdown works * fix telnet Enter key issue https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/bugs/83/ when CRLF is checked, ENTER works correctly when ENTER is pressed CRLF is sent OK see http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1123/31.htm * checkbox to Block Sleep during capture, for long data logging tasks on battery. add NOSLEEP commandline option * Install Tour to show new and key features after install. * Migrate to Delphi XE10.1, Apro/Systools merge from Github, StStrS shortstrings removed AfVersionCaption removed * Support for PPI and Scaled for high resolution screens * restore function: default start port is first available port, and correct auto-open. * remove double callback in actx datatrigger (first time with data='1234') * send-buttons to closed ports fix https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/bugs/85/ autoopen checkbox immediately sets port autoopen state no memory error with un-opened/autopen-able port aborts send looping * icon intialised at start (to closed) * donate link goes direct with version,runtime info added * Automatic checks for updates and analytics to report version, and runtime. happens max once per day, standalone only (never with actx), only if running for more than 3 mins All automatic internet access can be blocked by registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BEL\Realterm ****** * Port Auto-Open/Close https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/46/ Improved to cope with winsock link being crashed, both server and client (in addition to wsdisconnected) Auto-open is disabled at startup if ActiveX/COM server when an unplugged usb comport is replugged it auto-opens Handle USB-unplug-while-open error and close port smoothly * USB Plug/Remove events Detected and display on status line, and updates comport list * Catch errors with SEND buttons leaving send blocked (e.g when port not open) * Non numeric comports included in comport list (e.g. `\\.\CNCA`) * Add Windows version to AppInfo. Change windows info to use TOSInfo. Add MemoryUsed info, RunTime and RunCount to registry * Checks its own Digital Code Signature * New links to News and Donate pages * SystemMenu now a functional menu * New unit DeviceChangeNotifier.pas,CodeSignChecker,rtUpdate, extensive changes to ComportFinder.pas, Changes to AdExcept,AdPortAdWnPort,AwUser to trap einouterror * fix for dialogs hidden when StayOnTop mode, Fix HexCSV status bar resizing * fix links to changelog to use %PROGRAMFILES% env var ****** * HexCSV display format basic operation * ANSI/VT100 emulator Color commands work (feature request36) BUT color is no longer different for port/kbd/spy/send e.g to change to bright magenta \027[1;35m * AutoFilename adds sequential numbering (from feature request#45) * Delay between Send repeats: SendFileDelay now applies to sends (feature reqest#19) status bar updating progress cancel button added waits for buffer empty before sending each time Dbl-Click on Repeats spinedit toggles value 1<->N * Checkbox to pad numeric values in DisplayAs (feature request#42) Changes 8,16,32 and Float4 code - might cause a missing or extra space. * Do Newline/Timestamp when RXD is idle for more than a period (feature request#43) Add checkbox to enable it and hidden edit for value new parameter 'RXIDLE' Only for DisplayAs AllChars initially. * Port Auto-Open/Close https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/46/ - when comport is closed it will auto-open when send or type in terminal - winsock client will continuously retry when disconnected or on winsock error - Port auto-Close - when sharing port with another application e.g. arduino programmer feature request * Port can be windows createfile name for non-dos ports e.g. "\\.\COM9" or "\\.\COMA" * Add Control Panel launch to end of Port drop down. * fix to timestamp/highlighted chars lost on terminal when strings are received fast * autoadjust statusbar panel widths to maximise hint region width * clear Statusbar CharCount message immediately on StartCapture * port-idle icon changed to X, always open at icon1 for better visibility * hard limit on terminal cols 264 bug#80 to stop access violation errors * now prompts to create directories. Added APPDATA,LOCALAPPDATA,HOMEPATH etc * fix Send tab hints https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/discussion/228939/thread/62f5ecf2/ * Code Signing now dual-signed SHA256 for new microsoft requirements. * fix COM/ActX method "Putstring" now has defaults for SendAs and CRC, so old demos work ok. * Add to Help dialog: Windows version+SP, full exe pathname ****** * fix major bug#70 NUL char scrambles terminal https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/bugs/70/ * Change commandline SENDSTR, SENDNUM and add SENDHEX, SENDLIT. Now sends string immediately. Push into STRING1 (old behaviour just push string into STRING1 and STRING2.) * Send Multiple Files. Allows breaking up commands with delay between files Files may be separated by semicolon ";" * Check directories exist in file comboboxes. Check dir exists in Capture to avoid error 103 on Win10 Capture and other filenames can use env vars in path e.g. %APPDATA%, %TEMP% Capture offers to create non-existing dirs. * Add Drag-and-Drop file[s] to add to send combobox * add EXITCODE Commandline param to force exitcode for testing purposes * add CONSOLE param to attach to console for batch file use. Error messages sent to console RT closes when you close the console/batch file * add new baudrates to combobox. * Capture now traps non-existent directory errors, and offers to create directories. * I2C-EEProm View/Edit dialog for BL233 * I2C-BL233C support Extended Control Register support on I2C tab * I2C chip controls now force I2C address when clicked. * fix bug#78 Combobox push bug https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/bugs/78/ * fix bug#79 CRC checkbox * fix M5451 4 digit led conversion function. ****** * MAJOR BUG FOUND: Ascii emulator is corrupted when displaying NULL (0x00). This bug is probably in all V3 HACK: Display 0xFE when NULL is received. Best to use Hex emulator if you need to see his accurately. * Change to DisplayAs selector - Fewer items, Added Int32/Uint32 signed/unsigned selected by radiobuttons Commandline values have changed - now -ve values can be used get Int8,16,32 and HexSpace Hex [space] : space checkbox (-ve to have not space) * Add custom datetime format to capture. Response to bug#74, which is not a bug, but default system.locale format being used Existing behaviour of YMDHS is left in same position, but renamed System, so Timstamp=4 still behaves same Edit field by right mouse click/dblclick on radio buttons Can use cmline param Timestamp="" show example datetime on statusline when changed refactor: move all datetime formatting into a separate unit * Add Custom format to DisplayTimestamp. right-click on *TimeStamp* to edit. * Now finds ports up to COM9999 (was 100) bug#69 * CRLF on commandline fixed bug#71. Also found this was setting CR param at same time. * Key-code changes in terminal to make more logical and regular in all emulators Change BACKSPACE and DELETE key behaviour to send BS and DEL (fix bug#64) add NULL key ^@ and ^space ENTER->CR, shift+ENTER->CRLF, ^ENTER->LF Ansi/VT100 now same. (note ^C is trapped for copy before it gets to emulator, so you still have to use button on send tab) * CRC improved(feature request#38) Add XOR8 crc Add HEX output of CRC (for ascii data eg NMEA) NMEA message added EOL CR&LF are now outside CRC (both for bin and hex crc's) CRC commandline param added (-ve=hex) Added optional CRCType to ActiveX.PutString(S,SendAs,CRCType) * Load Keymaps. Separate Keymaps for VT100/Ansi (KEYMAPVT) and the other terminals (KEYMAP) This allows remapping of keyboards, adding custom multi-char keys ie macros New commandline params KEYMAPVT= and KEYMAP= * Change \NNN Escape sequences in send changed. Now 1-3 decimal/octal chars can be used correctly per python. see: https://docs.python.org/2.0/ref/strings.html Now easy change to use either decomal or octal. What do users want? If you want to revert to the old behaviour or support the change go to https://sourceforge.net/p/realterm/feature-requests/41/ * Fix to commandline handler to accept " inside strings eg send1="abc=""def""" (bug#72) Should have no effect, but might affect some commandlines. The INI writer has been improved to quote strings when saving, and when necessary * SendNum,SendHex,SendAscii buttons ALL respect +CR,+LF,+CRC now Refactoring: The code that sends strings and handles comboboxes has been reorganised. Look out for bugs that might have been introduced. A single routine now sends strings * TSDELIMITER param correctly displays & if used as delimiter. * VERSION param added to generated ini/param files so you can see what version an old fiel was created with * Refactoring of FileChoose buttons to all use common code. environment variables in filenames expanded by filechoose * Add exit on CTS timeout. * Fix - remove double "CPS:" in sendfile progress report * fix - auto-filename datetime had month number not date number * fix - Big endian obeyed at immediately emulator is changed, * fix - double spacing on Int16 * fix - scale spinedit set correctly my autoscale ****** * SCROLLBACK param can be missing to set checkbox, =0 to clear, -ve to set value, but leave unchecked * BinarySync changes fix checkboxHighlightSync now controls highlight Binary sync settings retained and applied when displayas is changed Added commandline params for binary sync BSYNCIS BSYNCDAT BSYNCAND BSYNCXOR BSYNCHI BSYNCLEAD BSYNCSHOWCOUNT * Fix: param CHARDLY now accepts -ve values ****** * Capture auto-Restart and auto-name params CAPTURE=3 enables it. AUTONAME= sets file datetime naming. * Capture Post Process added. Zip batch added to utils param CAPPROCESS= * Add BLE module support for I2C2PC-BLE and HM10,11,15 * fix statusbar regression * remove ^C hotkey - obviously interferes with copying from UI * Port Combobox: Add [Exhaustive Search by Opening] to allow finding ports# not listed in the registry. select now changes port immediately. add [CLEAR] to end of dropdown * sort parameter list for help on INIFILE dialog * fix/improve ASCII display of CR,CR and CRLF,CRLF (bug#45) * When filenames are longer than editbox, right justify so filename part is visible * HexCSV2Dec moved to utilities. * ThisVersionNumber.txt added for future update support. * AuxWrapper install now optional ****** * Add DoCommands ActX/COM method so commandline params/commands can be used * Add SendAsHex button to Send tab, and saHex to ActX/COM PutString * Add view Params button to INIFILE dialog to see calling command line * Add FONTNAME FONTSIZE commandline parameters. (resize on font change) * fixing: Bug#52,#60 Raised sendfile rate from approx 1200CPS to >100kBps MAX Changed the timer from 20Hz to 100Hz, and made block size much bigger. Char Delay now also sets block size, therefore send rate. See help for more details. These changs significant for USB and TCP ports especially. Default is about 8kBps change AsciiProtocol block 60->1023 change Outbuffer to 65520 from 16k change InBufferFull to 10k, Resume to 2k, inbuffer=65520 * fix: Bug#51, 0x1A added to send files of length 8160-8192 * fix: If SendFileName is a DIR, now OpenDialog opens to that DIR (before: error msg) * OnEventXXX has if ... and (Fevent<>nil) removed, so main handler can report message if fevent is nil * ActiveX/COM Event Changes Datapacket timeout default set to 0 (no timeout) Timeout event now supported - sends data trigger with timeout=true; clears checkbox, reports Enabled correctly events tab now shows all events sent SetDataTrigger now enables immediately if Autoenable=true Setting Port now error trapped, same as port open, so no errors. * Add LazyDisplay checkbox for terminal, for char-by-char response (fix bug#44) Oddly, this seems to work better at very high data rates, where the terminal normally blocks/stalls * Add CommandLine parameter SENDFNAME to set file(s) without sending. * fix: Move and shrink button panel to uncover events tab ****** 21May15 * Resizing completly functional: Terminal changes on Drag resize, maxmimize, normal etc. Clips to screen when started on tiny (netbook screens) or scaled. * Add Terminal ScrollUP and scrollDOWN hotkeys * Add CRLF checkbox. Makes ENTER button send CRLF instead of CR New cmdline param CRLF to set it. * Change ROWS on drag resize. ROWs now sets min size. Cols are not changed except in miniterminal * Set COLS to screenwidth with double-click on COLS - great for fullscreen * MiniTerminal fixes: correctly setting StayOnTop. StatusBar always stays at bottom. Sizing now correct. Size and Position of Miniterminal are saved * New SendFile and OpenPort hotkeys/menus * Windowing minor fixes Added Snap to Screen edge (25 pixels) Feature request if this annoys you, or size is wrong. remove ghost buttons, fix scrollbar min size problem, move hexcsvpanel to right place * Fixed Icon animation. Now Icon shows state by color: Green=PortOpen, Cyan=Winsock waiting, Red=Capture, Yellow=Sync/DataTrigger, Magenta=Send incoming chars makes animation rotate Important in Miniterminal to see what is happening especially with hotkey port open Changed old TrayIcon component to Delphi TTrayIcon. Code totally changed. Active property no longer exists?? use visible instead May have effect on ActX property?? * Fixed Winsock/Telnet server reconnect. Now OPEN button pops out on winsock client disconnect or non-connect * Added Winsock error handler, lights Error light, and sets error code to hint. * Fixed:Added xx.free and destructors to stop lost memory errors in debugger on exit Started attacking "harmless" compiler warnings. * Added: Port string added to TrayIcon Hint. ** 14May15 * Fix Return key: Now works correctly: Return=CR, Ctrl+Return=LF, Shift+Return=CRLF, also hotkey ctrl+alt+enter=CRLF * Local Hotkeys now working in Terminal. There are now many useful hotkeys, study the popup menu to learn them * Added MiniTerminal mode that shrinks Realterm and keeps it on top. This makes it easy to watch the output from something while working on something else. * AutoCopy in terminal - when a block is marked with the mouse it is copied to clipboard as you mark it * Remove CRLF added by Copy to Clipboard to every marked string * FIRST appwndproc hook changed so multiple calls don't block old handler. FIRST=0 unhooks now * Updated links on About page to point correctly to current sourceforge settings * Add StayOnTop menu item. StayOnTop only works while windowstate is normal ****** 12May15 * Timestamps in terminal. Works with ascii, and binary sync modes (not ANSI mode - makes no sense User feadback needed on how well this meets user needs, before I take it further. Goto FeatureRequests ASCII mode shows timestamp on EOL char - like Capture does. Sync mode, shows timestamp on sync match highlights timestamp always in ASCII mode, controlled by Highlght in sync mode Highlights an extra char beyond timestamp - this is a fn of how it works, significant effort to change this * Sync Chars mode extended with Blanking. This allows you to see sync blocks that are sparse. (feature request#14) "Show Count" sets number of words to display after a frame sync, after that further chars are blanked until next sync. -1=Show words from frame sync until next EOL char (CR or LF), then blank * Reverse video highlighting of the sync postion added. * Add menuitems and hotkeys to send strings on send tab. F10,F11,^F10,^F11 Global hotkeys (windows-systemwide) working (manually set on from memu) local hotkeys not: Terminal swallows all local hotkeys when it has focus. * fix Modbus16 CRC * Fix send to first instance. Now you must explicitly enable it with FIRST=1 on first instance Now checking for UIPI blocks after send. Added first=2 parameter for first instance to open UIPI protection if error5 occurs from sending instance * New statusbarhint property ensure all statushints do go to expandend simpletext as well * bump actx library version to 1.2 * Change tooltip on Sendfile->LineDelay to correctly say EOL char is LF (ox0A), not CR. The change to LF happened at * Size scaling to make it readable on small high pixel screens. SCALE SIZE control is on misc tab, and popup menu items added. Autoscale to fill screen SCALE command line parameter and ActX params added * Full-Screen mode added [WindowState=3] (useful for small screens like tablets) Hidden under the ScaleSize popup menu item (todo: interaction between fullscreen and scale. set fullscreen from actx, & all windowstates from commandline * WindowState cmdline param added. =NORM,MIN,MAX,FULL or 0-3 * Checkbox to control timer events in activeX to make debugging easier * Background color of terminal is set for ansi emulator. * BL233 Pin bit bash buttons addded pin#'s to hints * Added utility NowStr and example batch file for daily-named datalogging files * Fix to TAB cmdline param. Works correctly with PORT tab(which has & shortcut) Now accepts Tab number as well as name (1=first tab) * ClearTerminalOnPortOpen checkbox added. Cmdline param CLEAR added Value is sum of 1=DisplayChange,2=PortChange,4=PortOpen * Winsock actx property added * Added MSGBOX="" placeholder to generated INIFILE * Added STRING1, STRING2 cmdline params to load the SendString comboboxes. Top 5 lines of comboboxes are now output into INIFILE SENDSTR is depreciated, and in future version will change to actually sending the string, not loading the combobox * INIFile dialog: fix test where 1st param was ignored. Added TestSelected button. Also dblClick on a line will test that line now. * Fix: parameter parser was ignoring first param in local strings. This would have made remote commandlines ignore the 1st param Add Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Makes INI dialog stay in front, hopefully causing no other strange behaviour in main form * CodeSigned with new certificate. Change right click menu item "show" to "visible" to match commandline and actX names Improve ActX/COM when opening bad ports: trap errors in ActX/Comserver PortOpen instead of error and crash Added LastErrorMessage to ActX/Com interface, so you can read and display them Added "Show Last Error" button to Misc tab, so you can view them, and make fault finding easier Fix I2CMiscTab > BL233 Bit Bash Pins > Restore Idle to correct command string Add MSGBOX parameter to bring up a message box at startup usage: MSGBOX="Plug in a USB serial device now" INSTALL now brings up message box and help Change installer to run with INSTALL option, and register comserver always 1Wire commands in I2CMisc Tab: Added addressed reads, Changed Read DS1820 to only read 2 bytes of temperature Test button added to INI File dialog. Memo linked to help list Port settings don't work from test button at present, but do work from commandline. (significant restructure needed to fix) CONTROL behaviour toggle bug/anomaly fixed. Added HIDECONTROL to be consistent with ActX interface and Menu name Installers should automatically request and prompt for administrator rights INI File load/save/edit dialog with help on parameters. Fix: Send File button can't be pressed again Add: INI file save button on Misc tab: saves to realterm.ini for now. Largely untested Fix: some minor faults in echo port software flow control checkboxes and paramters Freeze button enabled. It now just loses characters while frozen, the old behaviour of buffering them has been lost. Change Capture behaviour during SENDQUIT. Improved for cases where response may take some time after file is sent to complete Now continues to capture while chars are coming in, for up to 3 sec after send finishes CAPSECS and Capture time, now sets the capture continue time after sending finishes, until it closes the capture and quits Can now "Capture until idle or timeout" if CAPSECS / Capture time is negative Tab is switched from send to capture after SENDFILE finishes, until capture finishes. Status bar warns about waiting for idle mode, tells reason for capture stopping Add *.i2c;*.bl233 to send file open dialog file types Fix command line send to running instance using FIRST show pushed commands on status line. Restore some vanished button text Added small batch file utilities into UTILS BEL/REALTERM/UTILS remove separate remote parameters. Add link to commndline help page from F1 Added TSDELIMITER parameter to allow setting the TimeStamp Delimiter to any single char Had to remove TS abbreviation. Hmmm I think that this is why abbreviations were not used before, beware, they might disappear again! Fix double counting chars in ASCII display mode Fix PORTQUIT for \vcp type ports. Note currently only exits with comports. Does not detect that winsock ports are not connected and exit Fix SendFile. Add meaningfull error messages when it goes wrong Added INI file param INIFILE='SomeSetupFile.txt' . You can put command line parameters in a file, one param per line. add commandline param abbreviations Change COM/ActiveX PUTSTRING to have 2nd SendAs parameter. Now accept same string options as send tab ie literal , ascii (python escape sequences), numbers upgrade COM/ActiveX FlowControl and EFlowControl to accept +4,+8 to control XON/XOFF. (see FLOW commandline param When reading Flowcontrol, these vales are not returned to keep function compatible revert COMSERV.PAS to standard Delphi version. EOoleErrors during normal startup might result.... Fix command line COLS and FRAMESIZE. These interact, best to use only one, but whichever is last controls the columns size Add new commandline option: WINSOCK and EWINSOCK parameters to set Winsock raw or telnet PORTQUIT option added for auto exit on port opening error. (used for ATE with USB devices that may be faulty, or may sometimes take a long time to enumerate) Errorcodes returned for batch file users Add new commandline option: FLOW=X to enable XON/XOFF mode or Flow=N+8 for RX-XOn, +4 for TX XON or use flow twice FLOW=1 FLOW=X Update help forum url to current Fix SCROLLBACK parmameter >250 causes errors. Limited to 200 max now Improve tooltips about sending CRLF COM/ActiveX interface fixes DataTriggerEnable fixed: Enable was disable and disable was enable. DataTriggerEnable Enable Checkbox not being modified DataTriggerEnable End Condition updates properly Changed message when ComDevicesList registry key is not found to warn that there are no ports -----V3----- Changing to Delphi XE2 enviroment: widespread change string->ansistring and char->ansichar remove helpfix module, removedggettext translation module change to COM interface wih new ridl file ------------------ -------------------------- End of V2 ----------------------------------------------------- (not released) Default send file renamed from capture.txt to send.txt ****** Stable Version ******** Signed version with Port Scanning has been completely changed for WinNT and above. WinNT+ :Ports are not scanned, they are loaded from registry to comport combobox in form "4 = \VCP0". Sorted by com number. No longer shows scanports form. The "scanports" commandline parameter won't be needed now, as bluetooth ports don't cause delays WinME- :Scanned by opening the same as before. Please report any problems especially on old versions of Windows (pre XP eg Win98) When a port of style \VCP doesn't exist, it no longer tries it as telnet port Fix to pass quoted strings on command line through to FIRST instance No longer shows Spy driver donate dialog after driver installation. Change various send string drop downs to use TerminalHex font to display all 8 bit values added printerport driver files to dlportio.dll install section - Interim release for Steve Mayall Mask MSB added Work begun on hexcsv formatting Make data triggers work in stand-alone mode to make testing easier. (previously only in ActiveX mode) Improve I2C scan to use ":" to make more reliable scanning smbus devices with timeout Fix error box from registry key reads on some systems Added HEXCSV commandline param to set the format string Change timing of scanports form display - seems to have sped up scanning Virtual Comports (USB): Comport can be given using Key instead of the com number. The key names are in the registry list of comm devices at HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM eg an I2C2PC adaptor will be \VCP0, regardless of which port it is attached to Display the port registry entries on the scanports dialog... HEXCSV2DEC commandline utility added to Realterm installer HexCSV formatted display mode begun, not working yet. Add Channel to MAX127 I2C ADC control, fix rang&sign bits Add RSS news link to About box Add DataTriggerSet routine to setup trigger conditions from COM/ActX interface Remove obsolete KCDXO tab and code Splitting I2C support routines into separate unit add windowsplatform to aboutbox add INSTALL parameter for installer to use to display help, news etc after installation Add COLOR commandline parameter to set terminal colors Caption is now also used to set the title displayed on startbar when minimised lengthen tooltip time, by request 2.5s -> 3.5s Added I2C Scan Bus function to I2C tab. Added I2C Control Register support Add a Sync Match Counter to "Binary Sync Chars". -Also uses data trigger color in (yellow) TrayIcon for a few seconds add version info to aboutbox Fix double counting of incoming chars. (disables routine associated with asc7511) Fix SPY mode not displaying char(0) Added BitBashPins box to I2CMisc tab for open drain bashing of all port pins. Added new ActiveX props: CaptureAsHex As activeX lib has changed may need to unregister and re-register Tried translate again - still errors. Commandline parser changed (but not heavily tested) - quotes in parameters are now OK - accepts leading - or / before parameters SendStr and SendNum can be called repeatedly to push the strings into the SendString combo-boxes so they can be pre-populated Improve Bicolor led display test routine. When port is closed by button, Terminal is enabled so scrollback continues to work Added Checksum8 and Checksum16 to Send CRC options Help commandline option now runs help Fixed Matlab format TimeStamp values. Added SCROLLBACK commandline parameter Fixed Scanport operation when port is specified, for quick reliable startup. - if PORT is set on command line, don't scan for ports, unless scanports also set on command line Add new links to about box: Help forum, ChangeLog, Examples Added a button to bring up the popup menu to make it easier to find. Seem to have fixed "no receive chars in terminal" problem" when start up port does not exist. Now uses FirstAvailablePort (not com1) to open. This is for laptops without COM1 Consequence is that I now do search com1-4 for 1st port if scanports=0 Hopefully will help with the terminal doesn't work problem. Temporarily added Enable Terminal button to MISC tab for debugging (didn't help) Restore binary sync with AND and XOR fields Move HexEmulator code into separate module Add Leading Sync option, but only works for 1 char sync .... Add Readme and Changelog to Realterm shortcuts fixed starting minimised in Improve Scanports dialog slightly. Now brings up a message box to confirm abort scanning if too slow. Fix for crash when using FIRST commandline parameter to send to running instance stop form flashing up when using FIRST commandline parameter to send to running instance Many more examples (installer script fixed) Try to fix EBAUD/EFLOW not correctly activated after being set from command line Add EFLOW commandline option Add Test button for M5451 LED display modules Add color checkbox for M5451 LED display modules Add Send^C and Send Break items to rightclick menu Fix to cope with SCANPORTS=0 on commandline **Very ODD** ctrl+C has started working from the keyboard in the terminal. Also BREAK key sends ^C now May remove the ^C menu item in future if this is generally true. Add PCA9545 control to I2C-2 tab to support new MUX3 pcb Add CRC8 algorithms (smbus & dallas 1 wire) to send tab Added Telnet/Raw radio buttons for Echo port. (Changed code on main port also) Working on WaitForDataTrigger BlueSmirf on misc tab: - Fix baud rate setting command - add query baud button Clear LineError light after 1 sec. Leaves state on hint until double click on "Error" label BaudRate setting: -Added hidden BaudMultiplier drop down to help with high baud rates on 950 uarts -trap error message during (invalid) baud rate setting to give more informative message (tested on WinXP) Update BL301 controls on I2C-2 tab for current commands Merge sboyd changes to AWASCII module. Should have no effect on Realterm. Timestamping in capture file working (user feedback needed about perferred YMD format) Capture-as hex working statusbar toggles to show longhints disable Freeze button (until it is fixed) spinning icon extended to yellow corner for data-triggers added Events tab, which is hidden except when started as activeX server ***Last version before activeX type library is extended *** Add Terminal Columns spinedit on display tab Add warning if try to capture when port is closed ActiveX Callback events -OnCaptureCount (called once only when thresh crossed. Only comes from direct Capture) -OnCaptureStop (both will be called if there is a count threshold) -OnTimer: This is a dedicated timer for generating periodic callbacks. - Control on Misc tab to manually send events to help client code testing. Not gated by Enables, so always sent - update Matlab example to show events First version compiled on new PC, For proven version use Donate button add cancel button to form close dialog when in spy mode Installer changes -rename dlportio installer to install_dlportio.exe -Installer for SpyMode drivers available to project donors. **This is a well tested and stable version** Change Capture to try and fix reported Div0 errors Add Max127 I2C read commandline option "echo" with no further data crashes (was expecting "echo=" now will accept nothing OK Change to combobox history list routine that is widely used. Should have no side-effects. Fixes for multi-copy COM automation: Creates multiple instances instead of one single instance again (like 1.99.XX) Automation opens it with ports closed again (like 1.99.XX) Caption now "Realterm: Automation server" for automation instances Suppresses port scanning when started as ActiveX/COM server Added LF button to send tab Fixed Font selector to change size and style correctly fix to M5451 conversions so that "-1.23" doesn't light segment in digit 5 Added Float4 single-precision floating point display Added Binary and Nibble display modes. One of these will be dropped in future version, probably "binary" Swapped trace and log control positions to put emphasis on log files. Added some BlueSmirf bluetooth module commands to misc tab Changed scanports commandline option to specify last port number to scan for. This makes it easier to limit the time taken when bluetooth is present without just disabling it Add ScanPort dialog when it is taking too long. Change port scanning to scan upward to allow aborting Indirect capture opens files for shared-reading during capture (ie capture while displaying chars in terminal) Modified AdTrmEmu.pas for this F1 key now brings up help. Update aboutbox cleaned up activeX TLB to remove warnings Added Version property to activeX Added controls to set Trace and log file names Added clear and dump buttons for trace/log Now capture,send correctly append to combobox tabsheet send correctly selected during send Only show Binary sync in hex modes where it is active Added active X method "AddCannedSendString" that pushes strings into the sendstring combo boxes Added DTR&RTS activeX fields Fixed Read Dallas1 wire ID Added PCA9544 I2C device removed translate component due to ntdll errors Added CAPDIRECT commandline and activeX hints copied into status panel added scrollback rows field fixed commandline LFNL hack to remove "buffer empty" error during capture. Breakss BL301 and ASC7511 reading Added 1-wire temp read button for DS1820 (untested) I2C link now sets RTS/CTS Warning in status panel about no handshaking panels swapped about attempt to use long hints in panel (not working yet) Added CTS,DSR,DCD,Break lights to Echoport tab to enhance monitor mode. Correctly enable status lights on echo port fixed monitor assert failure in echo monitor mode stretched Pin Description memo to fit properly Added buttons for SPI CS pin control added and removed mod for comserv startup problem on winxp spymode bleat screen Added Andigilog aSC7511 I2C support Now scrollbars will appear when realterm is resized so terminal window is smaller than number of lines made ascii edit into combo-box, and added regular expansion BL301 I2C support new I2CADD command line parameter to set I2C address Added I2C buttons to "write then read" to make it easier to read eeproms etc. Fixed "invert data" and char counting in ASCII emulator Char count now only counts chars from the port, and ignores chars being sent in Half duplex EOL char for Sendfile EOL delay is now LF not CR Add humidity sensor support to I2C Misc tab Added I2CMisc tab for non-i2c chips Moved Sendfile to Capture tab to free up space on send tab commandline setting of emulator doesn't work New installer based on NSI. Now installs fonts Colorise spy mode proper error messages when opening port no rx when port already open while opening a second instance clear terminal when changing port (w/ checkbox) paste to port/copy from port have some issues scrollback grayed unused port options F1 help launches web browser fixed bug that meant no display of control chars after switching back. (Emulator_ASCII is unused now) spy mode check that port is closed before trying to enter spy mode. Or warn changed spy mode to use teta. Works properly now fixed: first locks error (still flashes but works. fixed: capquit error active scripting examples enumerating all comports can be disabled, and run (actx control?) recieving repeated FF or FF's lost on TCP (cmdline and actx?) CAPTION doesn't work from command line... fix repeated file send and send messages sendfile delay control can go negative sendfile delay locks w/ big numbers sendfile repeats work properly exception when exiting via COM or commandline interface FLOW=3 RS485 mode can be set from command line now